One band in each century is given the power to control time. The band chosen to receive this power is carefully selected. They must be kind, they must be fair, and they must be brave. They must bring laughter and good music to people everywhere. They must be friends, they must be family, they must create a feeling that has a love of its own, and they must go where no band has gone before. They must be......
In Loving Memory of:

John Hafner
Bari Sax player
Lead and background singer
Bus Driver
with FESTIVAL from 1981-1994
Inductee of the South Dakota Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Iowa Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame

Dave Small
Guitar player
Bass player
Lead and background singer
Song writer
Britt's brother
with FESTIVAL from 1996-2000
Inductee of the South Dakota Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Iowa Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame

Britt Small
President of Festival Family Enterprises, Ltd.
Lead singer
Played guitar, drums, trombone, keyboards, bass
formed FESTIVAL in 1973
with FESTIVAL from 1973-2000
Solo career from 2000-2019
Inductee of the Missouri Music Hall of Fame, South Dakota Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and
Iowa Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame

Les Wetzel
Trumpet player
Background singer
Bus driver
Accounting Manager for Festival Family Enterprises, Ltd.
with FESTIVAL from 1973-1997
Inductee of the South Dakota Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the
Iowa Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame