"The Musical Voice of America's Veterans"
Britt's Music Store
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Britt and Marty
Compassion Born of War
Wall Experiences
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Britt Small & Festival
Inspiring words of fans
Britt's YouTube Music Video Links
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Britt's Music Store
Britt's video clips
Listen to Britt sing
Britt and Marty
Compassion Born of War
Wall Experiences
Who is Britt Small?
Britt Small & Festival
Inspiring words of fans
Britt's YouTube Music Video Links
Appearances With
Package Deals
PD 1. The complete 18 album collection - Hours and hours of great music.
PD 2. Three DVD Collection - Hours of laughing and watching BRITT SMALL & FESTIVAL make history. This package does NOT include the American Pride "Live Across America" DVD.
PD 3. The BRITT SMALL & FESTIVAL music collection - What a deal! This package does include the American Pride "Live Across America" DVD.